Evo 6SH skeletal loudspeaker is the mid-high section of an Evo 6, offering high output and controlled directivity from a very lightweight speaker.
Evo 7SH is the skeletal mid-high section of the Evo 7, offering high output and controlled directivity from a very lightweight speaker.
Evolution XSH is the mid-high section of Evolution X, featuring the latest Funktion-One driver and waveguide design for exceptional voice clarity and resolution.
R2SH skeletal loudspeaker is the mid-high section of a Res 2, producing high output for its compact size.
AX88 is an extremely useful two-way, passive mid-high loudspeaker with a 60° by 55° dispersion.
AX8 is a powerful and effective combination of high performance, lightweight design and natural simplicity.
R2S8 skeletal loudspeaker is the midrange section of the Res 2, for voice reinforcement applications.